Our Name
Our name reflects our deep desire to be a safe haven for hurting people to investigate the teachings of Jesus and experience a restoration of hope in their lives.
Our Vision
The vision of Hope Harbor Church is to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Our Mandate
Our mandate is to communicate the uncompromised Word of God, lead everyone we can to Jesus, and empower others to do the same.
Our Purposes
We believe the church is scripturally commissioned by Jesus Christ to equip the believers to (1) connect, (2) grow, (3) serve, (4) share, (5) worship, and (6) give.
Our Philosophy
Hope Harbor Church is a casual, contemporary, multi-denominational, word-based, spirit-filled, seeker-friendly, and purpose-driven church.
Our Worship
Every generation has a unique voice of worship and we enjoy the high energy praise and worship that is inspiring and a blessing to the body of Christ today.
Our Growth Strategy
We offer six informative and fun seminars to help you develop in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Find out how to get connected at the Harbor in HHC 101 - Docking at Hope Harbor. Learn how to grow spiritually during HHC 201 - Setting Your Anchor. Discover your spiritual gifts and how to serve in HHC 301 - Charting Your Course. Become more involved in evangelism and missions during HHC 401 - Casting Your Net. Discover the new winds of worship blowing in the body of Christ at HHC 501 - Hoisting Your Sail. Develop your leadership potential and learn how to lead during HHC 601 - Taking the Helm. Catered meals and childcare are always provided. Mark your welcome card at any regular service or sign up using the contact form.
Our Ministries
We provide ministries for every member of the family including Nursery, Pre-K, Harbor Kids, Pursuit Youth, 212 Campus Ministry, Men's and Women's Ministries, Celebrate Recovery, Hope Harbor Bible College, and a host of other specialized ministries.
Our Pastors
Our pastoral team includes: Senior Pastor Art and Kelli Heinz, Associate and Family Pastor Tim and Sarah Heinz.
Our Teams
We believe in doing ministry as a T.E.A.M. (together experiencing a ministry). Teams provide the best possible ministry result while building relationships among team members. Team opportunities are available in every ministry area of Hope Harbor Church.
Our Dream
We dream of being an aggressive outreach organization, having already established two churches in Trigg County, KY (Word of Hope Church) and Henry County, TN (Bridge of Hope Church). We also dream of a technologically excellent ministry utilizing every available voice to spread the gospel including television, radio, and internet streaming media and podcasting.
Our Affiliation
Hope Harbor Church is a sovereign and self-governed local church established with a unique regional vision and affiliated with the Assemblies of God International.